Source code for gans.causal_gan

import os
import typing

import torch
from networks.critic import Critic
from networks.generator import Generator
from networks.labeler import Labeler
from networks.masked_causal_generator import CausalGenerator

from gans.gan import GAN

[docs] class CausalGAN(GAN):
[docs] def __init__( self, genes_no: int, batch_size: int, latent_dim: int, noise_per_gene: int, depth_per_gene: int, width_per_gene: int, cc_latent_dim: int, cc_layers: typing.List[int], cc_pretrained_checkpoint: str, crit_layers: typing.List[int], causal_graph: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[int]], labeler_layers: typing.List[int], device: typing.Optional[str] = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu", library_size: typing.Optional[int] = 20000, ) -> None: """ Causal single-cell RNA-seq GAN (TODO: find a unique name). Parameters ---------- genes_no : int Number of genes in the dataset. batch_size : int Training batch size. latent_dim : int Dimension of the latent space from which the noise vector used by the causal controller is sampled. noise_per_gene : int Dimension of the latent space from which the noise vectors used by target generators is sampled. depth_per_gene : int Depth of the target generator networks. width_per_gene : int The width scale used for the target generator networks. cc_latent_dim : int Dimension of the latent space from which the noise vector to the causal controller is sampled. cc_layers : typing.List[int] List of integers corresponding to the number of neurons of each causal controller layer. cc_pretrained_checkpoint : str Path to the pretrained causal controller. crit_layers : typing.List[int] List of integers corresponding to the number of neurons of each critic layer. causal_graph : typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[int]] The causal graph is a dictionary representing the TRN to impose. It has the following format: {target gene index: {TF1 index, TF2 index, ...}}. This causal graph has to be acyclic and bipartite. A TF cannot be regulated by another TF. Invalid: {1: {2, 3, {4, 6}}, ...} - a regulator (TF) is regulated by another regulator (TF) Invalid: {1: {2, 3, 4}, 2: {4, 3, 5}, ...} - a regulator (TF) is also regulated Invalid: {4: {2, 3}, 2: {4, 3}} - contains a cycle Valid causal graph example: {1: {2, 3, 4}, 6: {5, 4, 2}, ...} labeler_layers : typing.List[int] List of integers corresponding to the width of each labeler layer. device : typing.Optional[str], optional Specifies to train on 'cpu' or 'cuda'. Only 'cuda' is supported for training the GAN but 'cpu' can be used for inference, by default "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else"cpu". library_size : typing.Optional[int], optional Total number of counts per generated cell, by default 20000. """ self.causal_controller = Generator( z_input=cc_latent_dim, output_cells_dim=genes_no, gen_layers=cc_layers, library_size=None, ) checkpoint = torch.load( cc_pretrained_checkpoint, map_location=torch.device(device) ) self.causal_controller.load_state_dict(checkpoint["generator_state_dict"]) self.noise_per_gene = noise_per_gene self.depth_per_gene = depth_per_gene self.width_per_gene = width_per_gene self.causal_graph = causal_graph self.labeler_layers = labeler_layers super().__init__( genes_no, batch_size, latent_dim, None, crit_layers, device=device, library_size=library_size, )
[docs] def _build_model(self) -> None: """Instantiates the Generator and Critic.""" self.gen = CausalGenerator( self.latent_dim, self.noise_per_gene, self.depth_per_gene, self.width_per_gene, self.causal_controller, self.causal_graph, self.library_size, ).to(self.device) self.gen.freeze_causal_controller() self.crit = Critic(self.genes_no, self.critic_layers).to(self.device) # the number of genes and TFs are resolved by the causal generator during its instantiation self.labeler = Labeler( self.gen.num_genes, self.gen.num_tfs, self.labeler_layers ) self.antilabeler = Labeler( self.gen.num_genes, self.gen.num_tfs, self.labeler_layers )
[docs] def _save(self, path: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike]) -> None: """ Saves the model. Parameters ---------- path : typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike] Directory to save the model. """ output_dir = path + "/checkpoints" if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) { "step": self.step, "generator_state_dict": self.gen.module.state_dict(), "critic_state_dict": self.crit.module.state_dict(), "labeler_state_dict": self.labeler.module.state_dict(), "antilabeler_state_dict": self.antilabeler.module.state_dict(), "generator_optimizer_state_dict": self.gen_opt.state_dict(), "critic_optimizer_state_dict": self.crit_opt.state_dict(), "labeler_optimizer_state_dict": self.labeler_opt.state_dict(), "antilabeler_optimizer_state_dict": self.antilabeler_opt.state_dict(), "generator_lr_scheduler": self.gen_lr_scheduler.state_dict(), "critic_lr_scheduler": self.crit_lr_scheduler.state_dict(), }, f"{path}/checkpoints/step_{self.step}.pth", )
[docs] def _load( self, path: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], mode: typing.Optional[str] = "inference", ) -> None: """ Loads a saved causal GAN model (.pth file). Parameters ---------- path : typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike] Path to the saved model. mode : typing.Optional[str], optional Specify if the loaded model is used for 'inference' or 'training', by default "inference". Raises ------ ValueError If a mode other than 'inference' or 'training' is specified. """ checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location=torch.device(self.device)) self.gen.load_state_dict(checkpoint["generator_state_dict"]) self.crit.load_state_dict(checkpoint["critic_state_dict"]) if mode == "inference": # The causal GAN performs better when using batch stats (model.train() mode) self.gen.train() self.crit.train() elif mode == "training": self.gen.train() self.crit.train() self.step = checkpoint["step"] + 1 self.gen_opt.load_state_dict(checkpoint["generator_optimizer_state_dict"]) self.crit_opt.load_state_dict(checkpoint["critic_optimizer_state_dict"]) self.gen_lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(checkpoint["generator_lr_scheduler"]) self.crit_lr_scheduler.load_state_dict(checkpoint["critic_lr_scheduler"]) self.labeler.load_state_dict(checkpoint["labeler_state_dict"]) self.antilabeler.load_state_dict(checkpoint["antilabeler_state_dict"]) self.labeler_opt.load_state_dict(checkpoint["labeler_optimizer_state_dict"]) self.antilabeler_opt.load_state_dict( checkpoint["antilabeler_optimizer_state_dict"] ) else: raise ValueError("mode should be 'inference' or 'training'")
[docs] def _train_labelers(self, real_cells: torch.Tensor) -> None: """ Trains the labeler (on real and fake) and anti-labeler (on fake only). Parameters ---------- real_cells : torch.Tensor Tensor containing a batch of real cells. """ fake_noise = self._generate_noise(self.batch_size, self.latent_dim, self.device) fake = self.gen(fake_noise).detach() # train anti-labeler self.antilabeler_opt.zero_grad() predicted_tfs = self.antilabeler(fake[:, self.gen.module.genes]) actual_tfs = fake[:, self.gen.module.tfs] antilabeler_loss = self.mse(predicted_tfs, actual_tfs) antilabeler_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) self.antilabeler_opt.step() # train labeler on fake data self.labeler_opt.zero_grad() predicted_tfs = self.labeler(fake[:, self.gen.module.genes]) labeler_floss = self.mse(predicted_tfs, actual_tfs) labeler_floss.backward() self.labeler_opt.step() # train labeler on real data self.labeler_opt.zero_grad() predicted_tfs = self.labeler(real_cells[:, self.gen.module.genes]) actual_tfs = real_cells[:, self.gen.module.tfs] labeler_rloss = self.mse(predicted_tfs, actual_tfs) labeler_rloss.backward() self.labeler_opt.step()
[docs] def _train_generator(self) -> torch.Tensor: """ Trains the causal generator for one iteration. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Tensor containing only 1 item, the generator loss. """ self.gen_opt.zero_grad() fake_noise = self._generate_noise( self.batch_size, self.latent_dim, device=self.device ) fake = self.gen(fake_noise) predicted_tfs = self.labeler(fake[:, self.gen.module.genes]) actual_tfs = fake[:, self.gen.module.tfs] labeler_loss = self.mse(predicted_tfs, actual_tfs) predicted_tfs = self.antilabeler(fake[:, self.gen.module.genes]) antilabeler_loss = self.mse(predicted_tfs, actual_tfs) crit_fake_pred = self.crit(fake) gen_loss = self._generator_loss(crit_fake_pred) # comment for ablation of labeler and anti-labeler (GRouNdGAN_def_even_ablation1) gen_loss += labeler_loss + antilabeler_loss # uncomment for ablation of anti-labeler but keeping the labeler (GRouNdGAN_def_even_ablation2) # gen_loss += labeler_loss # uncomment for ablation of labeler but keeping the anti-labeler (GRouNdGAN_def_even_ablation3) # gen_loss += antilabeler_loss gen_loss.backward() # Update weights self.gen_opt.step() return gen_loss
# FIXME: A lot of code duplication here with the parent train() method.
[docs] def train( self, train_files: str, valid_files: str, critic_iter: int, max_steps: int, c_lambda: float, beta1: float, beta2: float, gen_alpha_0: float, gen_alpha_final: float, crit_alpha_0: float, crit_alpha_final: float, labeler_alpha: float, antilabeler_alpha: float, labeler_training_interval: int, checkpoint: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike, None]] = None, output_dir: typing.Optional[str] = "output", summary_freq: typing.Optional[int] = 5000, plt_freq: typing.Optional[int] = 10000, save_feq: typing.Optional[int] = 10000, ) -> None: """ Method for training the causal GAN. Parameters ---------- train_files : str Path to training set files (TFrecords supported for now). valid_files : str Path to validation set files (TFrecords supported for now). critic_iter : int Number of training iterations of the critic for each iteration on the generator. max_steps : int Maximum number of steps to train the GAN. c_lambda : float Regularization hyper-parameter for gradient penalty. beta1 : float Coefficients used for computing running averages of gradient in the optimizer. beta2 : float Coefficient used for computing running averages of gradient squares in the optimizer. gen_alpha_0 : float Generator's initial learning rate value. gen_alpha_final : float Generator's final learning rate value. crit_alpha_0 : float Critic's initial learning rate value. crit_alpha_final : float Critic's final learning rate value. labeler_alpha : float Labeler's learning rate value. antilabeler_alpha : float Anti-labeler's learning rate value. labeler_training_interval: int The number of steps after which the labeler and anti-labeler are trained. If 20, the labeler and anti-labeler will be trained every 20 steps. checkpoint : typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike, None]], optional Path to a trained model; if specified, the checkpoint is be used to resume training, by default None. output_dir : typing.Optional[str], optional Directory to which plots, tfevents, and checkpoints will be saved, by default "output". summary_freq : typing.Optional[int], optional Period between summary logs to TensorBoard, by default 5000. plt_freq : typing.Optional[int], optional Period between t-SNE plots, by default 10000. save_feq : typing.Optional[int], optional Period between saves of the model, by default 10000. """ def should_run(freq): return freq > 0 and self.step % freq == 0 and self.step > 0 loader, valid_loader = self._get_loaders(train_files, valid_files) loader_gen = iter(loader) # Instantiate optimizers self.gen_opt = torch.optim.AdamW( filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.gen.parameters()), lr=gen_alpha_0, betas=(beta1, beta2), amsgrad=True, ) self.crit_opt = torch.optim.AdamW( self.crit.parameters(), lr=crit_alpha_0, betas=(beta1, beta2), amsgrad=True, ) self.labeler_opt = torch.optim.AdamW( self.labeler.parameters(), lr=labeler_alpha, betas=(beta1, beta2), amsgrad=True, ) self.antilabeler_opt = torch.optim.AdamW( self.antilabeler.parameters(), lr=antilabeler_alpha, betas=(beta1, beta2), amsgrad=True, ) # for the labeler and anti-labeler self.mse = torch.nn.MSELoss() # Exponential Learning Rate self.gen_lr_scheduler = self._set_exponential_lr( self.gen_opt, gen_alpha_0, gen_alpha_final, max_steps ) self.crit_lr_scheduler = self._set_exponential_lr( self.crit_opt, crit_alpha_0, crit_alpha_final, max_steps ) if checkpoint is not None: self._load(checkpoint, mode="training") self.gen.train() self.crit.train() self.labeler.train() self.antilabeler.train() # We only accept training on GPU since training on CPU is impractical. self.device = "cuda" self.gen = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.gen) self.crit = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.crit) self.labeler = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.labeler) self.antilabeler = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.antilabeler) # Main training loop generator_losses, critic_losses = [], [] while self.step <= max_steps: try: real_cells, real_labels = next(loader_gen) except StopIteration: loader_gen = iter(loader) real_cells, real_labels = next(loader_gen) real_cells = real_labels = real_labels.flatten().to(self.device) if self.step != 0: mean_iter_crit_loss = 0 for _ in range(critic_iter): crit_loss, gp = self._train_critic( real_cells, real_labels, c_lambda ) mean_iter_crit_loss += crit_loss.item() / critic_iter critic_losses += [mean_iter_crit_loss] # Update learning rate self.crit_lr_scheduler.step() gen_loss = self._train_generator() self.gen_lr_scheduler.step() generator_losses += [gen_loss.item()] if should_run(labeler_training_interval): self._train_labelers(real_cells) # Log and visualize progress if should_run(summary_freq): gen_mean = sum(generator_losses[-summary_freq:]) / summary_freq crit_mean = sum(critic_losses[-summary_freq:]) / summary_freq # if self.step == summary_freq: # self._add_tensorboard_graph(output_dir, fake_noise, fake) self._update_tensorboard( gen_mean, crit_mean, gp, self.gen_lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()[0], self.crit_lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()[0], output_dir, ) if should_run(plt_freq): self._generate_tsne_plot(valid_loader, output_dir) if should_run(save_feq): self._save(output_dir) print("done training step", self.step, flush=True) self.step += 1