Configuration ============= deployments are configured using ``.env`` files. Here are the environment variables you can configure: .. list-table:: Variables :widths: 15 85 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable - Description * - ``SECRET_KEY`` - A secret key used for cryptographic purposes. Make this secure. * - ``DATABASE_URL`` - A database URL that conforms to `this schema `_. This is the same 12Factor-style schema that Dokku and Heroku use. * - ``DEBUG`` - Whether the website should be in Debug mode. In Debug mode, error stacktraces are reproduced. For security reasons, ``DEBUG`` should be ``False`` in Production. * - ``LOCALE_LANGUAGE_CODE`` - The language code for the interface. Currently only supports and defaults to ``en-us``. * - ``LOCALE_TIME_ZONE`` - The timezone the server is running on. Defaults to `UTC `_. * - ``Q_WORKERS`` - Number of workers per instance of the job queue task runner, `Django Q `_. * - ``Q_TIMEOUT`` - Max time for a job to take before being retried (in seconds). Defaults to 60000. * - ``DJANGO_STATIC_HOST`` - From what domain should static files be served. Only relevant when ``DEBUG=False``. Good for serving from CDNs. * - ``REDIS_URL`` - A database URL that conforms to `this schema `_ pointing to a Redis server. This is the same 12Factor-style schema that Dokku and Heroku use. * - ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` - What domain should the site be served from. "localhost" is a good value for local development. * - ``MAILGUN_PRIVATE_KEY`` - The `Mailgun `_ private key, used for sending newsletter emails. * - ``MAILGUN_WEBHOOK_SIGNING_KEY`` - The `Mailgun `_ webhook key, used for sending newsletter emails. * - ``DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL`` - Where emails are sent from * - ``MAILGUN_SENDER_DOMAIN`` - The domain from which Mailgun will send emails.